what’s up

A Boston girl living in Brooklyn just trying to tell stories.

Reigning from Foxboro, a small town in Massachusetts with an occupancy of about 16,000 people, I knew that I wanted something bigger from a very young age. When I got a Fisher Price Starlit Stage at the age of three, putting on performances in our family’s living room became a regular routine full of song, dance and a ton of dramatics. Not much has changed. Now living in NYC, I’m doing what I always wanted to do; audition, perform and write. (plus a few survival jobs, but who’s paying that close attention.)

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A member of the Boston Children’s Chorus for 7 years growing up, I established the basis of my music education while using music for a catalyst for social change. Under the direction of Anthony Trecek-King, I was able to travel all around the world to places like Vietnam, Cambodia, the UK, and Jordan. From the ages of 12-18, I had the privilege to perform at Boston’ Symphony Hall, Jordan Hall, Good Morning America, and for many amazing people including President Obama.

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University of Miami was the next stop where I got my Bachelor’s degree in Vocal Jazz Performance from the Frost School of Music. While there I got to perform with artists like Darmon Meader, and Becca Stevens. I was lucky to sing with multiple big bands and vocal ensembles as well as travel to Washington D.C. to perform at the Ella Fitzgerald 100th birthday celebration.

Now I’m here. In NYC, which was definitely something I manifested since the age of eight. In my 18 months here, I’ve worked with Ryan Scott Oliver and Lindsay Mendez in their program, Actor Therapy, where I’ve been able to sing, act and perform at legendary venue, Feinstein’s 54 Below. I’ve also worked closely with amazing singer-songwriter Margaret Glaspy on my own original work. I’ve performed my songs at Rockwood Music Hall, The Delancey and Pianos with many more shows on the way.

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